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"Great stories are written with values in the hearts of men"
Explore our values...
Photo by Luís Pinto, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2011.

Respect. (from the lat. respectu) n. 1. respect; 2. consideration; high regard; 3. deference; compliance; veneration; 4. honour; worship; 5. relation; refererence...

We believe that everyone should be respected for their work, for their attitudes, opinions and options.

Photo by Mila Teshaieva, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2011.

Rigor. (from the lat. rigore) n. 1. harshness; strength; 2.fig., severity; punctuality; accuracy.

There is no "more or less levelled", "more or less upright”, "more or less clean" or "more or less safe", but rather “levelled”, "upright”, "clean” and “safe". The rigour is reflected in our procedures, in time and in the rules to follow. In the light of moral and principles, being severe means being rigorous.

Photo by , finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2012.

Passion. (from the lat. passione) n. 1. intense and usually violent feeling (affection, joy, hate, etc.) which hinders the exercise of impartial logic; 2. derived from a feeling; 3. great predilection; 4. partiality; 5. great grief; immense suffering...

Under the sign of passion – a text of the Portuguese poet Regina Guimarães – is our icon. Passion is to reveal great enthusiasm for something, favourable encouragement or opposite to something.
It is the sensibility transmitted by an architect or engineer through work.
Passion is the dedication to a project. Passion is a state of warm soul.

Photo by Jakub Karwowski, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2012.

Loyalty. (from the lat. legalitate) n. the quality of being loyal; fidelity; sincerity.

Respect for the principles and rules that guide the honour and probity. Faithfulness to commitments and agreements undertaken, staunch character.
To remain loyal to the business partners because we depend on them and they depend on us.
Being trustworthy for being loyal.

Photo by Ian Lieske, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2011.

Solidarity. (from the lat. solidare) n. 1. the quality of being solidary; 2. reciprocal responsibility among the members of a group, namely social, professional, etc.; 3. sense of sharing another’s suffering.

Being solidary is being a friend, offering our hand with genuine generosity and bringing joy and human warmth to those who, somehow, are marginalized. Being solidary is being more human. A solidary company is recognized as a fair and non-selfish company. A solidary company is a preferred choice in business. It is a more competitive company. Volunteering is a vehicle to solidarity. It is modern, fair, cultured, friend, it is a noble gesture of moral elevation.

Photo by Clarence Gorton, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2012.

Courage. (from the lat. coraticum) n. 1. bravery facing danger; intrepidity; to have audacity; 2. moral force before a suffering or setback; 3. [fig.] to input energy when performing a difficult task; perseverance...

Courage is essential in our life. Courage to face less pleasant situations when complex issues come up, not expecting random resolutions.
It is a value that we must highlight as opposed to the fearful, cowardly and laziness.
The courage to react to criticism not with an attitude of demotivation or sadness, but rather to search for the means and the action to overcome its own reason. This kind of courage, which is also an intellectual courage, is highly recommended.

Photo by Filipa Alves, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2011.

Ambition. (from the lat. ambitione) n. 1. vehement desire of wealth, honours or glories; 2. expectation about the future; aspiration; 3. lust; greed…

Vehement desire to achieve a particular goal. Ambition not to resign ourselves. Ambition to take the best potential from ourselves. Ambition to deserve ourselves. Ambition to be athletes in our top-level competitive jobs. Ambition to beat our brands. Ambition to get the best deals with the maximum value, due to the high levels of proficiency and efficiency.

Photo by Scarlett Coten, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2011.

Esthetics. ESTHETICS (from the Greek aisthetiké, "sensitive") n.f. 1. Philosophy branch of philosophy that studies the beauty and nature of artistic phenomena; 2. author's own style, time, etc.; 3. harmony of shapes and colors, beauty; 4. set of techniques and treatments that aim to beautify the body.

We decided to build the company's economic foundations under a cultured, cosmopolitan and cool image. Because it is a charming state of being. Good taste because we are sustainable and we respect the planet. Good taste because we are sensitive. Good taste just because.

Photo by Karl Erik Brondbo, finalist of the Emergentes dst Award 2011.

Responsibility. (from the lat respondere) n. the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct; a form of trustworthiness.

We must be certain that, before a choice, we chose what is best for both of us and not just the best for each one. Each employee is responsible for his negotiated activity and co-responsible if the co-worker does not fulfil his own task, thus preventing the common goal. A team is a set of individuals - is a whole. In the business game, as in social or family contexts, everyone must comply with their own relative position and we shall not permit that one of ours fails to be in our team.

Expansion of the Carvoeiro Regional System completed

Within the scope of a consortium, the dst group concluded the construction of the water supply system up to the counties of Albergaria-a-Velha, Águeda, Aveiro, Estarreja, Ílhavo, Murtosa, Oliveira do Bairro and Vagos, a project that included the rehabilitation and reinforcement of the WTP (Water Treatment Plant) of Carvoeiro and the implementation of the entire system of extraction and water supply. Inaugurated today by the Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Miguel Poiares Maduro, and the Secretary of State for Regional Development, Manuel Castro Almeida, in the presence of the representatives of the Association of Municipalities of Carvoeiro-Vouga, José Teixeira, president of the dst group, the President of the Inter-municipal Assembly, Ribau Esteves, and a few other dozen entities and representatives of the region, the contract consisted of an investment of more than 30 million euros, one of the largest in Portugal in the hydraulics’ sector, namely the implementation of drinking water infrastructures and water supply.

Initiated in 2013, the project involved the execution of more than 130 km of raw water adduction pipelines, the construction of six potable water storage tanks and the Beco and Á-dos-Ferrero’s Stations.

The construction of pipes for FFD and PEAD, the reservoirs for the storage of water in reinforced concrete and the electrical and hydro mechanical installations were undertaken by the dst group, which opted for the application of FFD tubing with a polyurethane inner coating as it presents considerable advantages, contributing decisively to the reduction of the consumption of chlorine, a particularly important situation in the sections where speed is lesser and, therefore, the retention time inside the pipeline is greater. The expansion of the Carvoeiro Regional System also involved the civil construction project in all the specialties required for the execution of the works, with particular emphasis on Hydraulic Engineering solutions, a sector where the dst group has come to play a prominent role in terms of Innovation and development of solutions that best fit the needs of customers.

The project for the Carvoeiro system also involved the execution of a by-pass to the two existing raw water lifting lines, leaving the existing sections out of service, which collided with the execution of works in the new WTP. The reinforcement and rehabilitation of underground water collection holes and wells, a new surface water collection and associated lifting station, and the implantation of a surface water gross elevation duct were also carried out to feed the rapid mixing chambers of the treatment line in the new WTP.

Concerning the intervention in the existing WTP, the highlight will be to change the layout of the current raw water pipes of wells and the rehabilitation of slaked lime silos in terms of tightness and total absence of humidity, the expansion of the zone of placement of the chlorine cylinders or recovery and reinforcement of the chlorine leakage neutralization system through the use of caustic soda. The work also included the execution of the platform and the access road, including the necessary support walls, for the implantation of organs and buildings of the new WTP and the construction of the treated water reservoir of Beco and the respective lift station, in the parish of Macinhata do Vouga.

Deputy Minister for Regional Development Miguel Poiares Maduro believes that "this undertaking will surely help to strengthen the competitiveness of companies", emphasizing that it is "an investment that will improve the quality and supply capacity, since two more municipalities join this association, as well as water quality.” Mr. Poiares Maduro also noted that Portugal is experiencing "a very significant evolution" and that "in many areas, in terms of equipment and infrastructures that serve our populations, we are positioned in conditions higher than the average of the vast majority of European states, yet there are areas, and this is one of them, where investments will continue to make sense.”

According to José Teixeira, Chairman of the dst group's Board of Directors, this expansion of the Carvoeiro Regional System is a reflection of "the company's vast experience in the construction of highly complex hydraulic infrastructures, the result of a know-how where innovation is continuous In the search for solutions that best fit the requirements of our customers, and that make the dst group a benchmark in the industry.” According to José Teixeira, "the path of innovation is decisive for maintaining business solidity that we are proud to present and that makes us a preferred partner in the market, with the quality of execution that already characterizes us and the technological vanguards that we apply in all the works we do in Portugal and abroad ".